Randolph Randy Camp

Randolph Randy Camp

Friday, April 26, 2019

'Tis the Season, No Degree Necessary

Feeling unsafe, uncomfortable and unwanted, especially in your own home, is a terrible feeling. Secretly, many kids have been planning to run away all winter long. As the weather gets better there’s always a spike in runaways, regardless of where you live…’tis the season.

You don’t need some stamped certificate or a fancy degree to help someone, all you need is a heart. Sometimes, youth shelters, soup kitchens, and drop-in centers are overwhelmed and any little support from you would be greatly appreciated. We don’t have to save everyone at once. Doing simple things like dropping off toiletries or feminine hygiene products to your local teen drop-in center are a tremendous relief to any financially-strapped community organization in your area.

During the upcoming summer months, all across the nation, more pimps, hustlers and drug dealers all come out to prey on these new ‘fresh strawberries’ on our city streets, at busy truck stops and seedy motels. Let’s all pinch in and do whatever little we can to help out. Let’s try to reach these vulnerable kids before the fast-tongue pimps, hustlers and drug dealers do because…’tis the season, no degree necessary. – Randolph Randy Camp

Learn more at https://prezi.com/gcen4hk_twcv/teen-homelessness/

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