Randolph Randy Camp

Randolph Randy Camp

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Teacher Appreciation from Author Randy Camp

At age 18, during June 1979, a couple weeks before Randy Camp’s High School graduation, he wrote the ‘Put Something Back’ letter-to-the-editor, as a ‘thank you’ to his teachers of Spotsylvania County, Virginia… “LETTER TO THE EDITOR” which was published in the local newspaper FREDERICKSBURG FREE LANCE- STAR on June 5, 1979… PUT SOMETHING BACK, GRADUATES URGED To the Editor: I am a senior at Spotsylvania High School and will be graduating in a couple of weeks. This year many seniors from our area high schools will be going away to colleges and trade schools to become professionals in the business world and other fields. I hope that many of us will return to this area to put our skills and special training to work. We must not forget where we come from or those who helped us to get where we are (or will be). I can’t speak for every senior, but I have taken something very valuable from this area, and I feel that I must put something back to show my appreciation. I am speaking of education. I have learned that a person should give if he or she has received. I hope that the class of ’79 will join me in the future to reimburse our hometown. RANDOLPH CAMP

Friday, May 20, 2022

School The Politicians

Those politicians who supports the banning of certain books and supports the restrictions on the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) are, in my view, making America weaker. If the purpose of public education is to prepare our young people for the future, for the real world, then if we don’t tell them the truth (about history, etc) then we are setting them up for failure. How can American kids compete with others if their minds have been brainwashed and watered down? If we truly want a stronger nation we need to remind and school these certain politicians of the primary purpose of our kids’ education. We shouldn’t be creating backward-minded policies and laws that weaken our kids, which weakens our nation. Too many of our educators are quitting due to these new policies and restrictions, so we should be doing things to keep our dedicated and creative teachers and librarians, which strengthens our kids and their future, ultimately making the nation stronger. I personally use this photo to keep my spirit up, especially when I’m seeing around me people’s actions and certain laws trying to belittle me or attempt to take my people’s true history and pride away. The 50-foot sculpture is entitled ‘Dignity’. It’s located in South Dakota to honor women of the Sioux Nation. – Randolph Randy Camp