Randolph Randy Camp

Randolph Randy Camp

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Shining Brighter: 2018

Every year we all make new resolutions. Sometimes we accomplish them, and sometimes we just let them fade away. For me, personally, I’ve learned over the years to not put too much pressure on myself by setting strict deadlines or making strong commitments, which were unrealistic in the first place. For 2018, I simply want to shine brighter.

Shining brighter could mean different things to different people. Shining brighter, in my own life, is simply trying to reach and inspire more people than the previous year.

Setting goals and accomplishing goals are two separate things. Personally, taking baby steps instead of giant leaps have been greatly beneficial to me. We all get discouraged, but don’t throw in the towel, just keep taking those small steps. Life is always a struggle, and realistically, things will get rough at times, but in your own special way, I hope that all of you will find a way to shine brighter in 2018. – Randolph Randy Camp

More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp