Randolph Randy Camp

Randolph Randy Camp

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Survival Sex and HIV

Every day the number of positive HIV cases and runaway youth are rising. We all should be concerned because there are homeless youth everywhere, and the potential for becoming HIV positive is everywhere. Whether you're straight or associated with the LGBT community, it pays to really know your sexual partner, and the not knowing is both dangerous and costly.

Nowadays, a large number of young people are feeling somewhat unwelcome and uncomfortable in their own homes after revealing their sexual orientation to other family members. Unfortunately, running away becomes an easy solution for these youth. Young runaways trying to survive on unfamiliar streets creates the potential for risky sexual behavior. These vulnerable kids and teens become easy prey for shady drug dealers, pimps, and every other street hustler trying to make a living off of someone else's back. Sadly, in desperation, a hungry, homeless teen will sometimes do almost anything for a burger and a bag of fries.
There's definitely a real connection between survival sex and the rise of positive HIV cases. Five years ago, in my first book, I addressed this issue without mentioning the term 'survival sex' within the text at all but it certainly was the hard subject matter which drove the under current of that particular novel.
We all can do our part in trying to curb these rising numbers simply by becoming more educated on this subject and making others more aware of the many issues surrounding young runaways and teen homelessness. - Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Life Lessons: The Tip

The recent events in Dallas, Louisiana, and Milwaukee have got me thinking about my own experiences with race relations here in America. I remember one of my early experiences during my last year of high school in 1979 when I was working at Howard Johnson’s Restaurant in Fredericksburg, Virginia. I was a dishwasher/busboy at that time, and I’ll never forget this one particular waitress who would always say, “I hate waiting on colored people ’cause they never leave a good tip.”
In my naïve attempt to change this waitress’ attitude towards Blacks, one day I took three dollars from my own pocket (which was my gas money for my ’72 Pinto) and I placed it with the two nickels left by a Black lady who had a slice of pie and a cup of coffee. (Back then, of course, this tip was certainly greater the lady’s check.) I couldn’t wait to see the surprised look on the waitress’ face when she came back to the table to pick up her tip money. Minutes later, I’d learned a valuable lesson that day because when the waitress gathered up her tip from the table she turned up her upper lip in disgust while rubbing the three dollar bills against her short waitress apron, as if the bills had some type of ‘colored people germs’ on them.
Yep, that day I’d learned that some of our problems in America go far deeper than money. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp

Sunday, July 3, 2016

America: The Other Side

As we celebrate America's Independence this weekend, I'll never forget the very first time I saw a slice of America which was certainly nothing to celebrate. I was 15 years old, and I saw a group of homeless people hanging out on the dirty, urine-stained streets of Philadelphia. When I returned back to Virginia from my 'teen runaway experience' I knew what I wanted to do with my life. My love of writing now had a sense of purpose.
There are homeless people in every little town and big city in America. Over the years, I've visited and volunteered at drop-in centers and soup kitchens that serve those in need. A couple years ago, I was honored to be included in a project entitled TEEN HOMELESSNESS by Justine Pedroza. This weekend, as we celebrate the 4th of July, I'll continue to do whatever I can to bring more awareness to 'the other side of America'. Enjoy the rest of your summer Everyone n' have a Safe and Happy 4th of July! - Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp