Randolph Randy Camp

Randolph Randy Camp

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Your Rainbow Vibes

When people choose to only see one color they become blind. Some people only mingle, socialize and support one color, believing that their chosen color is superior to the rest. This way of thinking and view of the world actually imprisons and limits them. Racist attitudes makes people “blind” and it’s a death trap. Our world is so much brighter and alive when we open our mind and display our ‘rainbowness’. Trying to talk to or convert a racist person is certainly a challenge. The best we can do is just being ourselves, being rainbows, expressing and displaying our positive rainbow vibes in whatever way possible, be it through art, sportsmanship, literature, being a great neighbor, ect…
I grew up around some of these “blind” racist people, and it’s sickening to me now, in 2017, to see a leader in the White House, such a juvenile man without a soul, who seemingly carries these same blind traits. Common sense tells us that we shouldn’t follow a spiritless person who has no soul because they will only lead us to nowhere. One of the signs of a great leader is the ability (or at least, showing an effort) to bring people together. When our leaders are void of  unifying leadership qualities that’s when us rainbows, us everyday people have to step up and shine a little brighter.
Calling all rainbows. This is our time. We can’t change the world over night, but possibly with one person at a time, one coworker at a time, one neighbor at a time, one classmate at a time, we can start the baby steps towards a change of heart in a few. If our leaders continue to stay ‘blind’, we must pick up the slack and continue to express and display our positive rainbow vibes. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp

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