"NEW K.A.N.S.A.S."
"NEW K.A.N.S.A.S." Excerpt :Hundreds of kids are being chased through the streets by multiple platoons of US Army and Marine soldiers as numerous black hawk helicopters hover above, creating an ear-piercing fluttering sound...We follow a group of running kids down the city's main artery. Behind the kids is a massive squadron of camouflaged Marines, fully geared and looking for pubescent kids...the running kids come to a sudden stop...we see several M-60 battle tanks turning unto Main Street, blocking the kids' escape route...The frontrunners of the kids' pack gesture the rest to run for the stores, shops and vacant buildings flanking the street...The kids hastily scatter away, quickly disappearing into the sidewalk shops...

BOOK ISBN: 978-1478273721........... Set in rural Virginia, ‘FALSE DANDELIONS’ is a contemporary Southern crime fiction novel filled with romance, small town secrets, broken dreams and murder as locals from Spotsylvania County and Fredericksburg, including a young disabled Iraq war veteran, stop a misguided band of Washington, DC criminals from setting up shop in their quiet town. When Lamar returned home from Iraq they gave him a hero’s welcome but he actually never felt like a true hero until he pulled off his greatest mission ever. A mission that will make this disabled vet a local legend, and a mission that will literally blow you away. Jesse is a rising star but when his mother’s body was found in the murky waters of the Rappahannock, he trades his prized guitar for a shotgun. Ever since Turtle was little, he was always somebody’s errand boy. Now, twenty years later, he decides to break the mold and that is just the beginning of many mistakes Turtle will make. Randolph Randy Camp’s ‘FALSE DANDELIONS’ is about the lives and dreams of underdogs. When you’re stuck in a nowhere place, physically or mentally, you dream of leaving. When you’ve been a nobody and strive to become somebody, sometimes you succeed, sometimes you don’t. Once again, this prolific award-winning writer paints a straight forward picture of contemporary Southern life and reminds us that, regardless of your income or race, there’s a touch of Jesse in all of us and there’s a little Turtle in all of us.
‘FALSE DANDELIONS’ is available in paperback and eBook (Kindle) on Amazon.
Learn More At http://randy0312.wordpress.com/
* 'WET MATCHES' is now available on Amazon, both in print and ebook. 'Wet Matches' tells the inspiring uplifting story about five homeless teens being rescued by a California couple on a high school reunion trip to rural Virginia.
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