We're fast approaching 2017 and Christmas is just a few days away. A lot of us are still filled with anxiety and uncertainty as we observe so much trouble in the world and watch top governments change hands. One of the hardest things to do is to maintain a positive outlook in the midst of negativity. I've always used my childhood memories and dreams to get me through some of my most bleakest periods.
In the midst of this cold, wintry day, I sit at my kitchen table and begin to reminisce how certain books and stories warmed me up and gave me enough hope to believe that things will get better. As a kid, one of my brightest days came on a journey through Snell, a section of rural Spotsylvania County in Virginia.
Growing up with limited resources, we made good use of the discarded items people had thrown away at the dump in Snell. During the summer break from school, my brothers and cousins would sometimes make a day trip going to the County landfill. Sometimes we would walk and at other times we would ride our bikes. If we were lucky, we would stop by the Finney and Daughters Store in Snell and would pool our money together and buy a bag of Wise potato chips and a bottle of NeHi soda for the whole group to share. Man, those were the days!
I'll never forget this one particular day at the dump when I found not only a fancy banana seat for my bike but also something else that have had a profound impact on my life as a writer. After finding the banana seat, I continued scrimmaging through the pile of recently-dumped items at the edge of the landfill. My eyes widen in awe at the familiar blue train! Yep, the blue train on the cover of the popular book 'The Little Engine That Could'. When I'd excitedly pulled the book from the pile, I noticed that the cover was a bit faded and torn around the edges and that most of the pages inside were heavily marked up with crayon or ripped out. Although the book wasn't in mint condition, I was smiling cheek to cheek, thinking that it was my best day ever! Ever since I first heard the story 'The Little Engine That Could' during story time at Robert E. Lee Elementary School, it touched a certain nerve in me and ignited the spark and gave me the courage to become the writer I am today.
As I'm getting older now, I've noticed that my childhood memories and dreams have become much more vital to me. It's these Spotsylvania dreams that keep driving me and giving me hope. Have a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year, Everyone! - Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.goodreads.com/randolphcamp
Thanks for Visiting RCSTORIES Randolph Randy Camp is the author of COREVILLE PARK, a reggae novel, 'MONICA, A SHORT STORY COLLECTION and five previous novels, including the prize-winning Wet Matches, America: No Purchase Necessary, 29 Dimes, False Dandelions, and ...Then The Rain. Randy currently resides in Des Moines, Iowa. Randy has five daughters, Christina, Melinda, Randie, Ranielle, Natasha and one son Joshua.
Monday, December 19, 2016
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
For Emilie's Sake: A Thanksgiving Wish
As we get closer to Thanksgiving my mind shifts to the young girl from Ohio who inspired me to take a closer look at those who might be sitting next to me at the dinner table. Her full name is Emilie Grace Olsen. I’d never met her in person but for the past two years I’ve been thinking about Emilie a lot. Sadly, her life story seems like a microcosm of our somewhat split personality here in America. An American couple graciously open their hearts and home to a young Chinese girl abroad, giving her a new life in America. That’s the beautiful side. Unfortunately, when young Emilie went to school (in Fairfield Township, Ohio) she experienced the ugly side of our American society.
Nearly two years ago, on a cold mid-December day, Emilie Grace Olsen ended her life with a gunshot to her head. She was only 13 years old. The bullying by some of her classmates and peers was too overwhelming for Emilie. Made to feel unwanted in your school is a terrible feeling for any kid. I think that Emilie’s story stays on my mind more so than other bullying-to-suicide cases because of her young age and because of the method she used. Statistically, we usually don’t hear about girls using guns to end their life. When I first got wind of Emilie’s story, near Christmas 2014, I was in New York working on the manuscript for my upcoming novel and was stopped cold by the news. I remember just sitting in the chair, shaking my head in disbelief. And then I began to feel so useless and helpless, as if I could’ve somehow made some type of difference in Emilie’s tormented life.
Emilie’s story will always be on my mind. The way I look at Thanksgiving and Christmas now is different. Unbeknownst to us sometimes, those who partake in bullying others (kids and adults) throughout the year maybe one of those who sits at our Thanksgiving table. They may receive expensive and thoughtful Christmas gifts from us. Over the years, I’ve come to realize that bullying goes for beyond our school system. As we get older, we tend to give things a new name…but bullying is bullying, regardless of age.
For Emilie’s sake, let’s talk to one another and have a real conversation about bullying (in all of its different forms.) On this Thanksgiving and all days forward, for Emilie’s sake and for America’s sake, I hope and wish that we will start treating one another a little better than before. Enjoy your Thanksgiving Everyone. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
Nearly two years ago, on a cold mid-December day, Emilie Grace Olsen ended her life with a gunshot to her head. She was only 13 years old. The bullying by some of her classmates and peers was too overwhelming for Emilie. Made to feel unwanted in your school is a terrible feeling for any kid. I think that Emilie’s story stays on my mind more so than other bullying-to-suicide cases because of her young age and because of the method she used. Statistically, we usually don’t hear about girls using guns to end their life. When I first got wind of Emilie’s story, near Christmas 2014, I was in New York working on the manuscript for my upcoming novel and was stopped cold by the news. I remember just sitting in the chair, shaking my head in disbelief. And then I began to feel so useless and helpless, as if I could’ve somehow made some type of difference in Emilie’s tormented life.
Emilie’s story will always be on my mind. The way I look at Thanksgiving and Christmas now is different. Unbeknownst to us sometimes, those who partake in bullying others (kids and adults) throughout the year maybe one of those who sits at our Thanksgiving table. They may receive expensive and thoughtful Christmas gifts from us. Over the years, I’ve come to realize that bullying goes for beyond our school system. As we get older, we tend to give things a new name…but bullying is bullying, regardless of age.
For Emilie’s sake, let’s talk to one another and have a real conversation about bullying (in all of its different forms.) On this Thanksgiving and all days forward, for Emilie’s sake and for America’s sake, I hope and wish that we will start treating one another a little better than before. Enjoy your Thanksgiving Everyone. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
Sunday, November 13, 2016
America Exposed: A Call For Help
Our young people need us more than ever right now. The recent election gave a true snapshot of the real America. All of our hidden, dark secrets and thoughts are now exposed to the world. Those who’ve harbored hatred and quietly belittled others at the dinner table or behind closed doors seemingly have been given the green light to carry these twisted, backward thoughts and ideas to another level.
So many people in America are feeling disenfranchised right now. It’s a terrible thing to feel uncomfortable in your own home, at your workplace, and it’s even worst when you feel uncomfortable and unwanted in your own country.
Already, we have a big problem in America dealing with the rising number of teen runaways and the issue of teen homelessness. It’s a growing issue that I feel passionate about but it hardly ever gets serious attention, especially at the national level. (See TEEN HOMELESSNESS by Justine Pedroza at https://prezi.com/gcen4hk_twcv/teen-homelessness/) Personally, I’m very concerned now about the negative impact that this recent election will have on our young people in America who already feel uncomfortable where they are due to their race or possibly due to their sexual orientation.
Due to the uncertainty of projected policies and the seemingly uncompassionate heart of our future leaders, this election will cause more anxiety among those who no longer feel welcome in their own home and in their own country, especially our young people who are still struggling to find their own identity. Within the next four years in America, youth homelessness will rise and we have to do whatever we can to try to curb it.
What can we do to help? If you have a teen drop-in center or a homeless shelter in your city or town, see if they need volunteers. Some cities may have a soup kitchen that feeds the homeless of all ages. If you can, lend them a hand or donate whatever you can, your time, food or clothing. Your compassion is greatly needed and will be greatly appreciated. If compassion is not flowing from our leaders, then we must make up for it in our own little ways. Let’s help the disenfranchised, especially our young people. Thank you. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
So many people in America are feeling disenfranchised right now. It’s a terrible thing to feel uncomfortable in your own home, at your workplace, and it’s even worst when you feel uncomfortable and unwanted in your own country.
Already, we have a big problem in America dealing with the rising number of teen runaways and the issue of teen homelessness. It’s a growing issue that I feel passionate about but it hardly ever gets serious attention, especially at the national level. (See TEEN HOMELESSNESS by Justine Pedroza at https://prezi.com/gcen4hk_twcv/teen-homelessness/) Personally, I’m very concerned now about the negative impact that this recent election will have on our young people in America who already feel uncomfortable where they are due to their race or possibly due to their sexual orientation.
Due to the uncertainty of projected policies and the seemingly uncompassionate heart of our future leaders, this election will cause more anxiety among those who no longer feel welcome in their own home and in their own country, especially our young people who are still struggling to find their own identity. Within the next four years in America, youth homelessness will rise and we have to do whatever we can to try to curb it.
What can we do to help? If you have a teen drop-in center or a homeless shelter in your city or town, see if they need volunteers. Some cities may have a soup kitchen that feeds the homeless of all ages. If you can, lend them a hand or donate whatever you can, your time, food or clothing. Your compassion is greatly needed and will be greatly appreciated. If compassion is not flowing from our leaders, then we must make up for it in our own little ways. Let’s help the disenfranchised, especially our young people. Thank you. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp

Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Your Time
Many of us have spent the last 18 months following the latest developments of the primaries, presidential campaigns, and debates, all leading up to the grand finale, which was last night’s election results. It’s just amazing how much time we’ve devoted to following the lives and the news surrounding the candidates. And now that the election is over, what will we do with all of that extra time?
Can you imagine if we spent 18 months devoted to our own lives. What if we spent a year and a half enriching ourselves? Maybe we could spend some time on building our job skills to ask for a long, overdue raise. Why do we spend so much time following the lives of others, especially those who are making 6-figure paychecks while we’re fighting to earn every dime above minimum wage?
Now that the election is over, make a commitment to spend the next 18 months enriching yourself. You deserve it. It’s your time now. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
Can you imagine if we spent 18 months devoted to our own lives. What if we spent a year and a half enriching ourselves? Maybe we could spend some time on building our job skills to ask for a long, overdue raise. Why do we spend so much time following the lives of others, especially those who are making 6-figure paychecks while we’re fighting to earn every dime above minimum wage?
Now that the election is over, make a commitment to spend the next 18 months enriching yourself. You deserve it. It’s your time now. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
Monday, November 7, 2016
Remove The Labels
In response to my recent piece ‘Finding Happiness’, one of my readers sent me an email yesterday explaining that she’s having trouble finding her true passion because she feels “stuck”. I understand where Janice is coming from because I’ve been there as well. Janice went on to explain that she lives in a small town with limited job opportunities, and most of those jobs are low-level entry types.
One of my favorite quotes is ” Don’t let others define you — You define yourself.” Too often, we let our current job define us. We have to learn to remove these labels because we are much greater than our current job title. About a year ago, I wrote a piece entitled ‘A Janitor’s Dream’. Janice’s email gave me the notion to re-post it. Janice, and anyone feeling ‘stuck’, this is for you:
A Janitor’s Dream:
Regardless of what job you’re currently doing to pay your bills, support your family and yourself, always make sure that you’re also taking some time to nurture and cater to your own personal dreams and goals as well. Every day, in some form or another, we work and do things to make other people rich or happy, especially those who work within the service industry. What are you doing to make yourself happy?
Every day, we devote approximately eight hours toward someone else’s business or dream, indirectly making their dream a reality. How many hours (or minutes) per day are you devoting to your own dreams or goals?
Don’t let your day job define you. I understand that you must clean the toilets or bus the tables in order to pay the rent, but don’t let the designer in you, the artist in you, the executive in you, the inventor in you, or the store owner in you wither away or tire you out due to your devotion to someone else’s dream. Be the person you want to be. Define yourself! Empower yourself!
In my own personal life, I’ve cleaned many toilets, and I’ve been on various factory floors working on the assembly line. However, while I was cleaning the toilets or mindlessly checking the parts and products as they traveled along the conveyor belt, in my head I was simultaneously working out my characters’ dialogue for my manuscript, which I tirelessly typed up in the wee hours of the night, sometimes two or three pages on a good night.
No, everyone doesn’t know my name, but this janitor’s dream has come true. Today, I’m so very grateful to all of my fans, followers, and readers from around the world who have bought my books, read my articles, and recently made ‘False Dandelions’ one of my bestselling novels. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at http://www.goodreads.com/randolphcamp
One of my favorite quotes is ” Don’t let others define you — You define yourself.” Too often, we let our current job define us. We have to learn to remove these labels because we are much greater than our current job title. About a year ago, I wrote a piece entitled ‘A Janitor’s Dream’. Janice’s email gave me the notion to re-post it. Janice, and anyone feeling ‘stuck’, this is for you:
A Janitor’s Dream:
Regardless of what job you’re currently doing to pay your bills, support your family and yourself, always make sure that you’re also taking some time to nurture and cater to your own personal dreams and goals as well. Every day, in some form or another, we work and do things to make other people rich or happy, especially those who work within the service industry. What are you doing to make yourself happy?
Every day, we devote approximately eight hours toward someone else’s business or dream, indirectly making their dream a reality. How many hours (or minutes) per day are you devoting to your own dreams or goals?
Don’t let your day job define you. I understand that you must clean the toilets or bus the tables in order to pay the rent, but don’t let the designer in you, the artist in you, the executive in you, the inventor in you, or the store owner in you wither away or tire you out due to your devotion to someone else’s dream. Be the person you want to be. Define yourself! Empower yourself!
In my own personal life, I’ve cleaned many toilets, and I’ve been on various factory floors working on the assembly line. However, while I was cleaning the toilets or mindlessly checking the parts and products as they traveled along the conveyor belt, in my head I was simultaneously working out my characters’ dialogue for my manuscript, which I tirelessly typed up in the wee hours of the night, sometimes two or three pages on a good night.
No, everyone doesn’t know my name, but this janitor’s dream has come true. Today, I’m so very grateful to all of my fans, followers, and readers from around the world who have bought my books, read my articles, and recently made ‘False Dandelions’ one of my bestselling novels. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at http://www.goodreads.com/randolphcamp
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Another Dimension: Randy's Writing Tips
Writers are told and often reminded not to create one
dimensional characters. In real life we all have different sides and
layers. I’ve always loved music and I use songs and pop bands as helpful
tools when I’m trying to give extra depth to my characters. If you’re
an aspiring writer and you’re having trouble developing one of your
characters then give this a shot: Try to figure out what type of music
that particular character likes, which may lead to something interesting
and surprisingly deeper about that character. For instance, your
readers may discover, as your story unfolds, that the reason this
particular character quietly cries every time she hears a gospel song is
because the church music reminds her of her childhood before she became
a professional escort.
Keep writing and don’t forget to add another dimension to your characters. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
Keep writing and don’t forget to add another dimension to your characters. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
Monday, October 31, 2016
Finding Happiness
You ever met someone who appeared to be truly happy, the kind of happiness that comes from deep inside? I know people who’ve been searching for some inner peace for a long time. Personally, I think that in order to find your inner happiness you must first find your passion, and every day of your life you must take baby steps toward your passion and goals. Otherwise, as we grow older, we will become bitter and soon resent ourselves for ignoring our own dreams and desires. Yet, ironically, we spend most of our lives helping others achieve theirs.
I hope that each one of you will, from this day forward, begin to take baby steps toward your own dreams and goals….and eventually find your inner peace. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
I hope that each one of you will, from this day forward, begin to take baby steps toward your own dreams and goals….and eventually find your inner peace. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
The Data Hustlers
- Our cell phones have become a necessary commodity but the digital technology behind it maybe confusing to some people. When the CEO’s of our wireless carriers knowingly take advantage of this fact then that’s when I can no longer remain silent. As most of you are already aware, I grew up in rural Spotsylvania County, Virginia. Our family didn’t have a lot of money so I understand and appreciate the true value of hard work and earning a clean dollar. I will always try to lend a helpful voice to those who quietly go through life but is being preyed upon by individuals or corporations in the name of greed.
Have a friend ever told you to check out a cool music video or some funny video but you couldn’t because you’d reached your data limit? Here’s another scenario that goes on daily: Using her cell phone, a struggling single mother watches several do-it-yourself, YouTube videos on fixing a clogged drain because she can’t afford to hire a professional plumber. Halfway through the third video she gets a data usage alert on her phone alarming that she’s reached her data limit. She finds out later that she actually went over her data limit and the overage penalty fee was much more than the cost of the drainage treatment chemicals the guy in the YouTube video had recommended to unclog the drain. If this young mother had went to her local public library and freely watched the D-I-Y video on the desktop computer there she could’ve saved her data usage on her cell phone. This raises a lot of questions. Why does it cost so much for data usage on a mobile device? What’s the exact charge or face value of a byte of digital storage space? What’s the actual cost of a gigabyte and a megabyte? And are these charges the same for the mobile device and the desktop? Are there any rules or laws by which these cell phone carriers are basing their data fees and data charges on? Are the carriers correctly calculating our usage of megabytes and gigabytes? Is anybody double-checking them? I’m all for competition to open the marketplace but when the wolves and the hustlers get out of control then maybe it’s time to bring in the FCC to lay down some basic fair-play ground rules.
The faces of hustlers are changing. Today’s cell phone carriers are just as seedy as shifty ticket scalpers, walking that thin line between legal and shady practices. Naively, I used to associate the term ‘hustlers’ with fast-tongue street swindlers who made a fast buck on the backs of others. As a writer, I’ve even peppered a couple of my novels with these types of characters. In real life, a few years ago, Bernie Madoff reminded me that the most damaging hustlers are the executive-types, dressed in tailored suits and sitting behind big, glossy oak desks. As a stock broker and financial advisor, Bernie Madoff was sentenced to 150 years behind bars in 2009 for scheming his clients out of millions as they were unsuspecting victims of his infamous Wall Street Ponzi scheme.
Is Bernie Madoff any different than the current management and the CEO’s of our major cell phone carriers? Actually, this question is debatable. The following is a little backstory to help explain why I’m writing this piece:
Up until the early 80’s, the AT&T Corporation, also known as the Bell Operating Systems, controlled the telephone service throughout America and Canada. To stop this monopoly, between 1982 and 1984, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) forced AT&T to break up. This breakup created the “Baby Bells”, smaller telecommunication companies, which have developed into some of our major cell phone carriers today, such as Sprint, Verizon, and T-Mobile. The breakup of AT&T in the early 80’s created more competition within the telecommunication industry and intended to protect consumers from an unfair monopolizing giant. Is history repeating itself? Last week, AT&T buys Time Warner for $85 billion, and today’s “Baby Bells” are still walking that thin line between lawful and secretive, greedy practices, as evident in T-Mobile’s recent court settlement, agreeing to pay $48 million for misleading its customers into thinking that they actually had “unlimited data”.
Are there any honest, righteous CEO’s out there who are sincerely looking out for the best interest of the customers? To the average person, the world of gigabytes, megabytes, and digital storage space can be confusing, so, most often than not, when we get that surprisingly high cell phone bill, we obediently pay it but silently complain. Ideally, a good CEO will set the tone and the culture of the company, and hopefully will ensure that all of the company customers will have clarity of their phone bills and easy access to questions regarding their services.
Today’s top wireless carriers are today’s data hustlers, and we must let the CEO’s of these cell phone giants know exactly how we feel about their fees and overage charges. The mailing address of some of the top cell phone carriers CEO’s and the Chairman of the FCC are listed below. Don’t be silent. We can only bring about change if we make enough noise. Please Share and Re-post. – Randolph Randy Camp
- AT & T Corp., CEO Randall Stephenson, 208 S. Akard St., Ste 110, Dallas, TX 75202
- Sprint, CEO Marcelo Claure, 6200 Sprint Parkway, Overland Park, KS 66251
- T-Mobile, CEO John J. Legere, 12920 SE 38th St., Bellevue, WA 98006
- Verizon Wireless, CEO Lowell McAdam, 1 Verizon Way, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920
- US Cellular, CEO Kenneth R. Meyers, 8410 W. Bryn Mawr Ave., Ste 700, Chicago, IL 60631
- Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Chairman Tom Wheeler, 445 12th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20554
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
Sunday, August 14, 2016
The Journey
Sometimes we let others discourage and derail us. Growing up in rural Virginia years ago, I found a sense of adventure and escape within the pages of various books. Yep, even back then I knew that I was a book nerd, and I was certainly teased and ridiculed for it.
When I was young, I absolutely loved reading stories and books about different cultures. I was so fascinated with the Aborigines of Australia and their 'walkabout' ritual (whereby a boy transitions into manhood) that I wanted to experience my very own walkabout here in America. So, at age 15, I up and left my country roots in Spotsylvania County and went on a 'rite of passage' journey. My adventurous journey came to an end in the big city of Philadelphia, in which the juvenile court system there classified as a 'teen runaway' case.
When I was detained at the juvenile detention center in Philadelphia, I remember the intake worker making fun of me to her coworker who was sitting nearby when I'd quickly answered with a no-nonsense expression "I was on my walkabout" when she'd asked with a puzzled face, "Why did you runaway to Philadelphia?" The moment the intake worker heard the word 'walkabout' leave my mouth, she instantly shot her coworker a twisted look as both of them burst into laughter. Still today, I vividly remember that intake worker's look. It was the same look I got from some folks years ago when I used to tell them that I was going to write my own book one day. It was a look that said that I must be crazy...a mental case...just another dreamer.
In contrast, about a year ago, I got a completely different look. It wasn't a condescending look that questioned my mental state, but a look that was of sincere admiration. Just before I'd moved to Iowa in 2015, at a New Jersey book signing event, a young lady approached me and quietly commented, "Mr. Camp, I love the titles of all your books. How do you come up with titles like '29 Dimes' and '...Then The Rain'?" When I explained to the young lady that my stories and novels are usually metaphoric mirrors of my life and my walkabout journey to Philadelphia specifically was the inspiration behind my second novel '...Then The Rain', she immediately smiled and gave me one of those genuine looks of surprise.
In spite of others' ridicule and condescending laughter, don't ever let them discourage you from your goals and dreams. Let your heart guide you and keep you on track. - Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
Sunday, July 17, 2016
Survival Sex and HIV
Every day the number of positive HIV cases and runaway youth are rising. We all should be concerned because there are homeless youth everywhere, and the potential for becoming HIV positive is everywhere. Whether you're straight or associated with the LGBT community, it pays to really know your sexual partner, and the not knowing is both dangerous and costly.
Nowadays, a large number of young people are feeling somewhat unwelcome and uncomfortable in their own homes after revealing their sexual orientation to other family members. Unfortunately, running away becomes an easy solution for these youth. Young runaways trying to survive on unfamiliar streets creates the potential for risky sexual behavior. These vulnerable kids and teens become easy prey for shady drug dealers, pimps, and every other street hustler trying to make a living off of someone else's back. Sadly, in desperation, a hungry, homeless teen will sometimes do almost anything for a burger and a bag of fries.
There's definitely a real connection between survival sex and the rise of positive HIV cases. Five years ago, in my first book, I addressed this issue without mentioning the term 'survival sex' within the text at all but it certainly was the hard subject matter which drove the under current of that particular novel.
We all can do our part in trying to curb these rising numbers simply by becoming more educated on this subject and making others more aware of the many issues surrounding young runaways and teen homelessness. - Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Life Lessons: The Tip
In my naïve attempt to change this waitress’ attitude towards Blacks, one day I took three dollars from my own pocket (which was my gas money for my ’72 Pinto) and I placed it with the two nickels left by a Black lady who had a slice of pie and a cup of coffee. (Back then, of course, this tip was certainly greater the lady’s check.) I couldn’t wait to see the surprised look on the waitress’ face when she came back to the table to pick up her tip money. Minutes later, I’d learned a valuable lesson that day because when the waitress gathered up her tip from the table she turned up her upper lip in disgust while rubbing the three dollar bills against her short waitress apron, as if the bills had some type of ‘colored people germs’ on them.
Yep, that day I’d learned that some of our problems in America go far deeper than money. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
Sunday, July 3, 2016
America: The Other Side
As we celebrate America's Independence this weekend, I'll never forget the very first time I saw a slice of America which was certainly nothing to celebrate. I was 15 years old, and I saw a group of homeless people hanging out on the dirty, urine-stained streets of Philadelphia. When I returned back to Virginia from my 'teen runaway experience' I knew what I wanted to do with my life. My love of writing now had a sense of purpose.
There are homeless people in every little town and big city in America. Over the years, I've visited and volunteered at drop-in centers and soup kitchens that serve those in need. A couple years ago, I was honored to be included in a project entitled TEEN HOMELESSNESS by Justine Pedroza. This weekend, as we celebrate the 4th of July, I'll continue to do whatever I can to bring more awareness to 'the other side of America'. Enjoy the rest of your summer Everyone n' have a Safe and Happy 4th of July! - Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
The Well
"Most often, those who’ve been in the well are those most likely to pull others out of the well…When Jack Canaday was twelve years old he was once in the well…Now, twenty-one years later, Jack has an opportunity to reach down and help others out of the well…" -Quote from 'Wet Matches: A Novel'
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Beautiful You
Beautiful You...
(photo: Author Randy Camp with high school students after a classroom book talk)
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
There’s beauty in each one of us. There’s something
special about you. From this day forward let your beauty shine!
-Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Come November
Ever since I could remember people have always told me to
“don’t live in the past, but learn from the past.” Come November I’m
certainly going to keep this thought in mind when I’m in the voting
For the most part, I try to keep my personal opinions about politics out of my writings and blog pieces, but this particular 2016 Presidential Election (here in America) has sparked a special interest, in which I haven’t experienced in quite awhile. No matter which side of the fence you stand on, I urge all of you (especially those living here in the U.S.) to make your voice heard come this November.
After hearing some political rhetoric from one of the Presidential candidates recently that reminded me of the TV character ‘Archie Bunker’ from the 1970’s TV series ‘All In The Family’, I realized that I absolutely can’t remain silent any longer. As a concerned American citizen, I feel that I will be doing a disservice to myself and to my country if I kept my political opinion quiet. Simply put, ‘Archie Bunker’ was popular in the 1970’s, and that character embodied the same thoughts and opinions as fans of the show back then, which I must emphasize again was the 1970’s! This is the year 2016, and we must not let anyone take us back to a time period that we should be learning from, not repeating. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
For the most part, I try to keep my personal opinions about politics out of my writings and blog pieces, but this particular 2016 Presidential Election (here in America) has sparked a special interest, in which I haven’t experienced in quite awhile. No matter which side of the fence you stand on, I urge all of you (especially those living here in the U.S.) to make your voice heard come this November.
After hearing some political rhetoric from one of the Presidential candidates recently that reminded me of the TV character ‘Archie Bunker’ from the 1970’s TV series ‘All In The Family’, I realized that I absolutely can’t remain silent any longer. As a concerned American citizen, I feel that I will be doing a disservice to myself and to my country if I kept my political opinion quiet. Simply put, ‘Archie Bunker’ was popular in the 1970’s, and that character embodied the same thoughts and opinions as fans of the show back then, which I must emphasize again was the 1970’s! This is the year 2016, and we must not let anyone take us back to a time period that we should be learning from, not repeating. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
Monday, May 23, 2016
Writing Advice: Different Voices
The thing that I enjoy most when I’m invited for a meet-the-author/ book talk event is when an aspiring writer asks for any writing tips. My number one advice for any writer is to make sure that your characters have different voices. No two people in real life sounds the same. As a writer, you must reflect this in your characters and in your stories.
For practice, try writing the same character dialogue (in a sentence or a question) three or four different ways, using the same basic words. Remember that your creative writing style will take shape as you develop your own unique use of commas, the apostrophe, and contraction words. And simultaneously, while practicing this particular exercise, you will become better at ensuring that your characters aren’t sounding the same. Hint: It’s important to note that the apostrophe takes place of a missing letter (or letters), especially when writing dialogue. Good luck with your current or next writing project. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
For practice, try writing the same character dialogue (in a sentence or a question) three or four different ways, using the same basic words. Remember that your creative writing style will take shape as you develop your own unique use of commas, the apostrophe, and contraction words. And simultaneously, while practicing this particular exercise, you will become better at ensuring that your characters aren’t sounding the same. Hint: It’s important to note that the apostrophe takes place of a missing letter (or letters), especially when writing dialogue. Good luck with your current or next writing project. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
Sunday, May 22, 2016
True Heart
For the most part I actually do get to see the brighter side of humans, but every now and then, unfortunately, my eyes will witness the darker side of some of those around me. When I was writing the first draft of ’29 Dimes’ a few years ago I was simultaneously going through a rough emotional period in my private life whereby I had to make a major decision of whether to keep a so-called friend in my life or not. (She gave me reasons to question her true heart.) So, as I was writing ‘Vehicles’, an original song for the character ‘Teki’ in ’29 Dimes’, the lyrics just poured out of me. ‘Vehicles’ is a song about people who pretends to love and care about you only to get what they want.
Yep, we must be mindful of those we have and keep in our circle. My life changed for the better once I’d cut the ties with this so-called friend. I hope that your life is filled with goodhearted people who show you daily that they want nothing but betterment and happiness for you. It’s a wonderful feeling when you’re surrounded by people who enjoys it when you rise. And you also get a kick out of seeing them rise up as well.
Here’s the lyrics to ‘Vehicles’…
You pick me up…take me around
You use me up when you’re feelin’ down
Just like vehicles goin’ around and around
Just like vehicles in my town
You only need me when you’re down
Next time when you’re passin’ by
I’ll remember you…and the smile and the lie
‘Cause you’re just another vehicle goin’ by and by
Yeah, just another vehicle goin’ by and by
You hold me… You kiss me
You give me a ride
Maybe some day…maybe some way
We may collide.
– Randolph Randy Camp (from the novel ’29 Dimes: A Love Story’)
Learn more at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
Yep, we must be mindful of those we have and keep in our circle. My life changed for the better once I’d cut the ties with this so-called friend. I hope that your life is filled with goodhearted people who show you daily that they want nothing but betterment and happiness for you. It’s a wonderful feeling when you’re surrounded by people who enjoys it when you rise. And you also get a kick out of seeing them rise up as well.
Here’s the lyrics to ‘Vehicles’…
You pick me up…take me around
You use me up when you’re feelin’ down
Just like vehicles goin’ around and around
Just like vehicles in my town
You only need me when you’re down
Next time when you’re passin’ by
I’ll remember you…and the smile and the lie
‘Cause you’re just another vehicle goin’ by and by
Yeah, just another vehicle goin’ by and by
You hold me… You kiss me
You give me a ride
Maybe some day…maybe some way
We may collide.
– Randolph Randy Camp (from the novel ’29 Dimes: A Love Story’)
Learn more at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Coping With Rejection
If you’re an aspiring writer you must believe in yourself. If you receive a rejection letter simply turn it over and use the backside as scrap paper and continue writing. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
My First Love
Writers usually live somewhat boring lives so I'm always puzzled when readers are interested in my private life. Recently, I'd received a few letters asking me if there was anyone special in my life. I've never been one to kiss n' tell but I will spill the beans about my very first love. Ready? Here we go...Well, I was 12 years old and I was watching 'Butterfield 8' at a cousin's house. When I first saw 'Gloria Wandrous' (played by Elizabeth Taylor) something strange happened to me. At that time I didn't know what hormones were but now I know that I certainly had some because my body was doing things it never done before. Yep, it's true, that day (at age 12) I fell in love...and get this, still today (at age 55) I still get all gooey inside whenever I see Liz on screen. - Randolph Randy Camp
PS: Just in case if anyone is interested, my all-time favorite movies are 'Imitation of Life', 'To Kill A Mockingbird', 'A Patch of Blue', 'Billy Jack', and 'Butterfield 8'
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
PS: Just in case if anyone is interested, my all-time favorite movies are 'Imitation of Life', 'To Kill A Mockingbird', 'A Patch of Blue', 'Billy Jack', and 'Butterfield 8'
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Seeds and Harvest
When we're young and innocent we truly don't know how our lives will turn out, but I can attest to the fact that you can enrich your life by doing good deeds and by the positive seeds you sow.
Yesterday I'd received an email query from one of my readers from Hachinohe, Japan. She had read my novel 'False Dandelions' and was curious to find out if I actually had a green thumb or not. Ayane's question instantly set my mind adrift to my early years growing up in rural Spotsylvania County, Virginia, where I would sit under shade trees, scribble out short poems and jot down my thoughts and dreams. Little did I know then that those simple words were seeds...seeds that would one day grow and form a life of their own.
In 1977, when I was 16 years old, I remember sitting in my backyard writing this little ditty about a girl named Shelly who'd run away from home. At that time I didn't even have a title for those lyrics, but through the years, those few words about Shelly, in which I'd initially written 39 years ago, have taken shape and have been transformed into my award-winning story 'Wet Matches', which today is my best-selling book (of my four novels). After high school, I'd joined the U.S. Air Force, and during my off-duty and down time when I was stationed overseas in Korea and Germany, I expanded my short, untitled ditty about this young runaway girl into a short story. As time went on and I was discharged from the military, I would always find time to write and expand this short story even further into a novel manuscript entitled 'Wet Matches', as it is known today.
No, we can't predict our future and we may not always know the roads and paths ahead of us, but there's something special and inspiring to having blind faith in doing good deeds and sowing our positive seeds. And certainly I'm not monetarily wealthy from my book sales, but I do live a blessed and enriched life due to the daily feedback I get from you all. Not a day goes by without me showing gratitude to all of my readers, followers and fans from around the world. Although my books or I aren't on any national or international bestsellers' list, it's definitely gratifying to reap the true rewards of the seeds I've sown so many years ago. And I hope that you too will have a great harvest as well, as you continue to sow your own seeds.
By the way, to answer Ayane's question, no, I don't believe that I have a green thumb because I would get yelled at when I was a boy working for this neighbor lady who would pay me fifty cents an hour to weed out her flowerbeds, and many times I'd mistakenly yank up one of her precious flowers, which I naively thought was a common weed.....Stay positive Everybody! - Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
Yesterday I'd received an email query from one of my readers from Hachinohe, Japan. She had read my novel 'False Dandelions' and was curious to find out if I actually had a green thumb or not. Ayane's question instantly set my mind adrift to my early years growing up in rural Spotsylvania County, Virginia, where I would sit under shade trees, scribble out short poems and jot down my thoughts and dreams. Little did I know then that those simple words were seeds...seeds that would one day grow and form a life of their own.
In 1977, when I was 16 years old, I remember sitting in my backyard writing this little ditty about a girl named Shelly who'd run away from home. At that time I didn't even have a title for those lyrics, but through the years, those few words about Shelly, in which I'd initially written 39 years ago, have taken shape and have been transformed into my award-winning story 'Wet Matches', which today is my best-selling book (of my four novels). After high school, I'd joined the U.S. Air Force, and during my off-duty and down time when I was stationed overseas in Korea and Germany, I expanded my short, untitled ditty about this young runaway girl into a short story. As time went on and I was discharged from the military, I would always find time to write and expand this short story even further into a novel manuscript entitled 'Wet Matches', as it is known today.
No, we can't predict our future and we may not always know the roads and paths ahead of us, but there's something special and inspiring to having blind faith in doing good deeds and sowing our positive seeds. And certainly I'm not monetarily wealthy from my book sales, but I do live a blessed and enriched life due to the daily feedback I get from you all. Not a day goes by without me showing gratitude to all of my readers, followers and fans from around the world. Although my books or I aren't on any national or international bestsellers' list, it's definitely gratifying to reap the true rewards of the seeds I've sown so many years ago. And I hope that you too will have a great harvest as well, as you continue to sow your own seeds.
By the way, to answer Ayane's question, no, I don't believe that I have a green thumb because I would get yelled at when I was a boy working for this neighbor lady who would pay me fifty cents an hour to weed out her flowerbeds, and many times I'd mistakenly yank up one of her precious flowers, which I naively thought was a common weed.....Stay positive Everybody! - Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
Monday, May 9, 2016
Keep Your Light Burning
We often encounter people who laugh at our flaws, others who can’t wait to punish us for our mistakes, and those who constantly judge and ridicule us for our decisions and actions of the past. Sadly, there are people around us who gets a rise from their attempt to dampen our spirit and drive. I’ve experienced this quite a bit in my 55 years, and I’ll be the first to admit that it’s certainly not an easy task to stay positive in the midst of negativity. But please, whatever you do, don’t ever let anyone blow out your candle. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Do What You Love: Be in Charge
Do what you love to do. Be in charge of your own life, otherwise someone else will. I used to be a talker, always talking about what I wanted to be or what I wanted to do. A few years ago, I stop talking and put an action plan together to take my love of writing to a higher level. My first novel won the Quarter-Finals Prize at the 14th Annual Writers Network Screenplay and Fiction Competition in Los Angeles, and currently it’s my top selling book of my four published works. There’s a certain inner peace that comes from doing something that you truly love, and I hope that each one of you have this already or will take steps toward finding your inner peace.
And don’t let your day job define you. I understand that you must do whatever in order to pay the rent, but don’t let the designer in you, the artist in you, the executive in you, the inventor in you, or the store owner in you wither away or tire you out due to your devotion to someone else’s dream. Be the person you want to be. Do what you love to do. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
And don’t let your day job define you. I understand that you must do whatever in order to pay the rent, but don’t let the designer in you, the artist in you, the executive in you, the inventor in you, or the store owner in you wither away or tire you out due to your devotion to someone else’s dream. Be the person you want to be. Do what you love to do. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Running Water
It’s a dream come true for me to be able to write and connect with people from around the world with my words and stories. I celebrated my 55th birthday this past week, and I want to thank EVERYONE for all of your birthday wishes and gifts. I came from humble beginnings, and I take nothing for granted. I’m always blown away by the slightest connection and interaction with my readers, followers, friends and family. I’m truly fortunate to have received emails and gift cards from folks all around the globe. It’s not too often that I find myself blushing, but this year, for some reason, my birthday wishes and gifts poured in from people and places that I honestly didn’t expect. Yes, indeed, I’m truly a blessed man.
Growing up in rural Spotsylvania County, Virginia, our family and many other families around us did not have running water (modern plumbing and sewage system inside the home). So, in taking nothing for granted, I’m very appreciative of all gifts and blessings bestowed upon me, but I’ll always be extremely grateful for my sight, the fingers on my hands, the air in my lungs and running water all around me. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
Growing up in rural Spotsylvania County, Virginia, our family and many other families around us did not have running water (modern plumbing and sewage system inside the home). So, in taking nothing for granted, I’m very appreciative of all gifts and blessings bestowed upon me, but I’ll always be extremely grateful for my sight, the fingers on my hands, the air in my lungs and running water all around me. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
New Roads
Several months ago I moved from New York to an unfamiliar city. Getting settled into Des Moines has been both challenging and rewarding for me. One of the rewards of this move has been the new friendships I’ve made. If you’re currently feeling stuck where you are but maybe too afraid to leave, please do yourself a favor and, at least, consider the countless possibilities and rewards when we venture down new paths and open roads. Yes, I know, starting over and the unknown can be daunting but it’s also exciting. I firmly believe that if we never take any type of risks then we can’t expect to grow and reach inner happiness. So, if you’re currently dissatisfied with where you are in life, don’t be afraid to take a step towards new roads in 2016. – Randolph Randy Camp
*(top photo: Randolph Randy Camp, daughter Randie, grandson Noah, and friend Kaur at Veterans' Talent Competition, Des Moines VA, Feb. 26, 2016)
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
*(top photo: Randolph Randy Camp, daughter Randie, grandson Noah, and friend Kaur at Veterans' Talent Competition, Des Moines VA, Feb. 26, 2016)
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
The Virtual Classroom
Recently I was reminded of why I absolutely love writing and blogging so much. A few days ago, one of my posts was taken to a level that I found to be very interesting. It’s a wonderful thing when a reader or a fellow writer takes your original post in a total new direction or add their own angle to it, which gives it more color and depth. As long as we respect one another in the end, it’s okay with me when a viewer or a fellow blogger expresses a different opinion than my own because, overall, we all benefit from seeing a snapshot of the world through the microcosm of our blog posts. Writing and blogging are great ways to express yourself, and when others comment and share their own opinions about your initial message then your post becomes an engaging, virtual classroom in which all viewers can benefit from.
So, here’s a big Thank You to all of my readers, fellow bloggers and writers for expressing yourselves and sharing your views and opinions with the rest of us. I wish you all great success with your blogs and your other writing projects. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
So, here’s a big Thank You to all of my readers, fellow bloggers and writers for expressing yourselves and sharing your views and opinions with the rest of us. I wish you all great success with your blogs and your other writing projects. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
The World Needs You
What are you waiting for? The world needs you now. That special thing inside of you which is so unique was given to you for a reason, and sharing your special gift with the rest of us in this world is your purpose and the very reason you was born. So, for all of you secret dreamers, aspiring singers, actors, inventors, actresses, writers, designers, teachers, engineers, chefs, film makers, quiet and humbled artists, this message is for you.
Some of us are thinkers, full of thoughts and ideas. Some of us are talkers. We constantly talk about what we want to do or should have done. It’s time to put those thoughts and words to action and start taking baby steps toward our goals and lifelong dreams. How often have you put your dream or desires on the back burner because of others or some other reason and later regretted that decision? Could someone benefit from your talents or from what you have to offer? Could you put a smile on a troubled face? Could you brighten someone’s life with that unique thing which makes you ‘you’?
It’s time to stop talking. Use 2016 as your action year. The rest of us could be benefiting in so many different ways from your special talent. Again, I ask, what are you waiting for? The world needs you. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
Some of us are thinkers, full of thoughts and ideas. Some of us are talkers. We constantly talk about what we want to do or should have done. It’s time to put those thoughts and words to action and start taking baby steps toward our goals and lifelong dreams. How often have you put your dream or desires on the back burner because of others or some other reason and later regretted that decision? Could someone benefit from your talents or from what you have to offer? Could you put a smile on a troubled face? Could you brighten someone’s life with that unique thing which makes you ‘you’?
It’s time to stop talking. Use 2016 as your action year. The rest of us could be benefiting in so many different ways from your special talent. Again, I ask, what are you waiting for? The world needs you. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Carrot Cake
Is there any evidence of your ancestors in your daily life? My grandfather, ‘Eddie’ Camp, was a school janitor at James Monroe High in Fredericksburg, Virginia for years. When I wrote my blog piece ‘A Janitor’s Dream’ I wonder if my grandfather’s spirit was standing over my shoulder or sitting next to me as I typed out those words several weeks ago. Hm?
My father, William Henry Camp, was a preacher and a carpenter by trade. I learned a lot from my father and one of the greatest lessons he’d taught me was to always try to help those in need even though you may not have much to give yourself. As a carpenter, my father would build and repair peoples’ porches, out houses, doors, and windows even though sometimes they could not pay him fully upfront as some of his other customers would.
I remember going to this lady’s house one Saturday to help him build a shed for her, and our pay for the day’s work was a chicken dinner with a big piece of her homemade carrot cake because she didn’t have any money for our labor. I’ll never forget that day because it was the first time I’d ever tasted an excellent carrot cake like that, and most importantly, on that particular Saturday, as a twelve year old boy, I learned first hand from my father how to be a gentleman and to treat others as you would want to be treated.
Every day I’m reminded of my forefathers, especially when I’m writing. The themes of most of my stories seem to be about ‘triumph-over-tragedy’ and ‘rooting for the underdogs of society’ type of stories, which are the very things that my father was concerned and preached about at his church in Spotsylvania County so many years ago.
Yes indeed, I’m grateful and able to do what I do today because of the teachings and spirits of my fathers. And by the way, of course, carrot cake is my absolute favorite cake of all still to this day. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
My father, William Henry Camp, was a preacher and a carpenter by trade. I learned a lot from my father and one of the greatest lessons he’d taught me was to always try to help those in need even though you may not have much to give yourself. As a carpenter, my father would build and repair peoples’ porches, out houses, doors, and windows even though sometimes they could not pay him fully upfront as some of his other customers would.
I remember going to this lady’s house one Saturday to help him build a shed for her, and our pay for the day’s work was a chicken dinner with a big piece of her homemade carrot cake because she didn’t have any money for our labor. I’ll never forget that day because it was the first time I’d ever tasted an excellent carrot cake like that, and most importantly, on that particular Saturday, as a twelve year old boy, I learned first hand from my father how to be a gentleman and to treat others as you would want to be treated.
Every day I’m reminded of my forefathers, especially when I’m writing. The themes of most of my stories seem to be about ‘triumph-over-tragedy’ and ‘rooting for the underdogs of society’ type of stories, which are the very things that my father was concerned and preached about at his church in Spotsylvania County so many years ago.
Yes indeed, I’m grateful and able to do what I do today because of the teachings and spirits of my fathers. And by the way, of course, carrot cake is my absolute favorite cake of all still to this day. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
The Audacity to Dream
Some of my early childhood years were spent without a television in the house because our father was a very religious man, and he would say that the devil speaks through the TV. However, when I did get a chance to sneak to a cousin’s or a neighbor’s house to watch a TV show or movie I thought that it was the most fascinating thing, especially when I actually identified with some of the characters in the movie or in the TV series. Needless to say, I was hooked ever since. My love of creating colorful characters and original stories had its birth in rural Spotsylvania County, Virginia in the mid sixties and early 70’s.
As I grew older I got this crazy notion and would have these wild dreams that I was going to write a book one day, and sometimes my thoughts and daydreams would really get away from me and I would have the audacity to think that I would actually write a movie screenplay one day and see it come to life on the big silver screen or on the small box in your living room. What a dreamer I am, huh?
Regardless of my income level or my past or present day jobs, I was always thinking about or actually working on a writing project. When I was employed as a security guard at a TV station and Studio Lot in Los Angeles, I used that opportunity to learn every aspect of the TV and movie production industry as various TV shows and movies were being taped on our sound stages. My five years as a security guard at this TV station certainly became my own ‘poor man’s film school’.
Today, I’ve been very fortunate to have accomplished many of my literary dreams, but seeing one of my stories (especially ‘Wet Matches’) come to life on the big silver screen is one dream that I’m still working on and truly hope to see realized in the near future.
As we venture forward in 2016 I hope that this year has gotten off to a great start for all of you and whatever your aspirations and goals are in life, don’t let anyone or anything dampen your spirit and your audacity to dream. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
As I grew older I got this crazy notion and would have these wild dreams that I was going to write a book one day, and sometimes my thoughts and daydreams would really get away from me and I would have the audacity to think that I would actually write a movie screenplay one day and see it come to life on the big silver screen or on the small box in your living room. What a dreamer I am, huh?
Regardless of my income level or my past or present day jobs, I was always thinking about or actually working on a writing project. When I was employed as a security guard at a TV station and Studio Lot in Los Angeles, I used that opportunity to learn every aspect of the TV and movie production industry as various TV shows and movies were being taped on our sound stages. My five years as a security guard at this TV station certainly became my own ‘poor man’s film school’.
Today, I’ve been very fortunate to have accomplished many of my literary dreams, but seeing one of my stories (especially ‘Wet Matches’) come to life on the big silver screen is one dream that I’m still working on and truly hope to see realized in the near future.
As we venture forward in 2016 I hope that this year has gotten off to a great start for all of you and whatever your aspirations and goals are in life, don’t let anyone or anything dampen your spirit and your audacity to dream. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
The Power of Visions
I can't believe it! It was 13 years ago when I ran my first marathon. Running those 26.2 miles on that cool Los Angeles morning was one of my most challenging experiences ever. In fact, it was such a rewarding experience for me that I also ran in the 2004 LA Marathon the following year. Running 26.2 miles in a marathon race can seem overwhelming at first, but what helped me through my months of training, and what allowed me to continue putting one foot in front of the other during the actual marathon was the fact that I kept envisioning myself crossing the finish line.
Completing a full screenplay or a novel manuscript can seem a bit overwhelming as well. As a writer, I would envision someone physically holding and reading my book as I would be in the early stages of making the outline or just getting started on the opening sentence of the first chapter. It's amazing how the power of visions work. When I was writing my very first screenplay, I would envision people sitting in the theater watching the movie on the big silver screen.
If you're an aspiring musician, actor, actress, or someone who dreams of becoming an executive or a CEO of your own company or a huge fortune 500 company one day, then, by all means, go ahead and use this valuable tool of envisioning, and image yourself on stage, on screen, or sitting comfortably behind your massive, glossy oak desk in that cushion, high-back executive chair.
Regardless of the challenges, don't ever let anyone or anything stop you from achieving your goal. Keep taking those baby steps toward your dream! - Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
Completing a full screenplay or a novel manuscript can seem a bit overwhelming as well. As a writer, I would envision someone physically holding and reading my book as I would be in the early stages of making the outline or just getting started on the opening sentence of the first chapter. It's amazing how the power of visions work. When I was writing my very first screenplay, I would envision people sitting in the theater watching the movie on the big silver screen.
If you're an aspiring musician, actor, actress, or someone who dreams of becoming an executive or a CEO of your own company or a huge fortune 500 company one day, then, by all means, go ahead and use this valuable tool of envisioning, and image yourself on stage, on screen, or sitting comfortably behind your massive, glossy oak desk in that cushion, high-back executive chair.
Regardless of the challenges, don't ever let anyone or anything stop you from achieving your goal. Keep taking those baby steps toward your dream! - Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Speaking of Metaphors: Randy's Writing Tips
One of my readers recently wrote and asked me why do I seem to use metaphors a lot in my novels. I replied with this simple statement, “Metaphors make the reader think from a different angle.” I further went on to explain how I’ve always loved imagery in songs, poems and stories when I was growing up. Listening to the songs on the radio was my first lesson in creative writing. I just loved the way a certain lyric describing a specific object or an event could instantly plant a picture in my mind. To me, that was a powerful thing and I fell in love with creative writing ever since.
The beauty of metaphors, for me at least, is that it allows you (the writer) to introduce a serious topic while simultaneously softening your story to make it easier to swallow for your readers. This is what I did in my first book ‘Wet Matches’, a story that covers HIV and teen homelessness.
If you are an inspiring author, see if symbolism and metaphors will enhance and make your story more interesting. And please continue writing and don’t ever give up! Believe in your story, and most importantly, believe in yourself! – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
The beauty of metaphors, for me at least, is that it allows you (the writer) to introduce a serious topic while simultaneously softening your story to make it easier to swallow for your readers. This is what I did in my first book ‘Wet Matches’, a story that covers HIV and teen homelessness.
If you are an inspiring author, see if symbolism and metaphors will enhance and make your story more interesting. And please continue writing and don’t ever give up! Believe in your story, and most importantly, believe in yourself! – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Life Lessons: My Spotsylvania Nights
I’m a couple months from my 55th birthday and last night my mind drifted back to the fall of 1978 when I was 17 years old anxiously diving into manhood. I definitely went through a lot of changes during my last year of high school. I seriously think that 1978 and 1979 were the years that gave me a glimpse of the real world and helped to shape my views and attitude toward women and dating.
As in countless towns throughout America, Friday night high school games in Spotsylvania County was the place to be, especially when the Spotsylvania Knights was playing their greatest rivalry, the James Monroe Yellow Jackets, from Fredericksburg, Virginia. During these Friday night games, many of us had our first experiences with the opposite sex and got a bitter taste of reality as we tried to shed our juvenile skin.
During my senior year at Spotsylvania High, I would leave school and sometimes go directly to work at the Howard Johnson’s Restaurant in Fredericksburg. While working as a busboy and dishwasher, I’d worked up enough nerve to ask a fairly new waitress out for a date. The first time I saw her I wanted to be with her. During our lunch breaks we would chat and laugh about our high school lives. We made a date to meet up Friday night at the Snack Shack just before the big game between the James Monroe Yellow Jackets and the Spotsylvania Knights.
I arrived early at the Snack Shack nervous as hell but looking sharp. This was going to be a big night for me because I truly thought that one of my mannish dreams would be realized. As this particular night unfolded however, I slowly became aware that our hopes and dreams come in many shapes and sizes and that we have to prepare ourselves for the different angles in which things present themselves to us. What I’d initially viewed as an awful experience actually was my most valuable lesson.
After waiting for twenty minutes for my date to arrive, the lady behind the Snack Shack service window gave me a look of concern. I instantly looked away, pretending not to notice her look because I was too embarrassed that my date hadn’t showed up yet. The Snack Shack was quiet briefly because the football game a short distance away had started already. From a distance, we could see the bright stadium lights illuminating the dark Spotsylvania sky and we could faintly hear the stadium cheers of the fans. The lady at the counter knew that I was hurting and instinctively knew why I was hurting. She motioned me towards the service window and kindly said, ” You want to eat some fries with me? It’s my break and it’s on the house.” Shame-faced, I shook my head ‘no’ and slowly stepped away.
About fifteen minutes later my date still hadn’t arrived. Once again, the lady behind the counter approached the service window with a large order of fries in her hand. She tapped on the window to get my attention. She could easily read the obvious frustration and embarrassment on my face as I repeatedly sighed at the side patio table. She motioned me to come to the window. This time I accepted her offer as she tried her best to cheer me up with stories of her school days and all of the boys who’d stood her up.
When it comes to dating, still today, some 38 years later, without even realizing it sometimes, I will make my judgments and opinions about potential women in my life not based upon the young lady who’d stood me up, but instead, based upon the beautiful qualities of that wonderful warmhearted lady at the Snack Shack that cool September night.
I’m approaching 55 now, and after all these years, I still think about that kind-hearted lady at the Snack Shack and all the changes I went through during my young Spotsylvania nights. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
As in countless towns throughout America, Friday night high school games in Spotsylvania County was the place to be, especially when the Spotsylvania Knights was playing their greatest rivalry, the James Monroe Yellow Jackets, from Fredericksburg, Virginia. During these Friday night games, many of us had our first experiences with the opposite sex and got a bitter taste of reality as we tried to shed our juvenile skin.
During my senior year at Spotsylvania High, I would leave school and sometimes go directly to work at the Howard Johnson’s Restaurant in Fredericksburg. While working as a busboy and dishwasher, I’d worked up enough nerve to ask a fairly new waitress out for a date. The first time I saw her I wanted to be with her. During our lunch breaks we would chat and laugh about our high school lives. We made a date to meet up Friday night at the Snack Shack just before the big game between the James Monroe Yellow Jackets and the Spotsylvania Knights.
I arrived early at the Snack Shack nervous as hell but looking sharp. This was going to be a big night for me because I truly thought that one of my mannish dreams would be realized. As this particular night unfolded however, I slowly became aware that our hopes and dreams come in many shapes and sizes and that we have to prepare ourselves for the different angles in which things present themselves to us. What I’d initially viewed as an awful experience actually was my most valuable lesson.
After waiting for twenty minutes for my date to arrive, the lady behind the Snack Shack service window gave me a look of concern. I instantly looked away, pretending not to notice her look because I was too embarrassed that my date hadn’t showed up yet. The Snack Shack was quiet briefly because the football game a short distance away had started already. From a distance, we could see the bright stadium lights illuminating the dark Spotsylvania sky and we could faintly hear the stadium cheers of the fans. The lady at the counter knew that I was hurting and instinctively knew why I was hurting. She motioned me towards the service window and kindly said, ” You want to eat some fries with me? It’s my break and it’s on the house.” Shame-faced, I shook my head ‘no’ and slowly stepped away.
About fifteen minutes later my date still hadn’t arrived. Once again, the lady behind the counter approached the service window with a large order of fries in her hand. She tapped on the window to get my attention. She could easily read the obvious frustration and embarrassment on my face as I repeatedly sighed at the side patio table. She motioned me to come to the window. This time I accepted her offer as she tried her best to cheer me up with stories of her school days and all of the boys who’d stood her up.
When it comes to dating, still today, some 38 years later, without even realizing it sometimes, I will make my judgments and opinions about potential women in my life not based upon the young lady who’d stood me up, but instead, based upon the beautiful qualities of that wonderful warmhearted lady at the Snack Shack that cool September night.
I’m approaching 55 now, and after all these years, I still think about that kind-hearted lady at the Snack Shack and all the changes I went through during my young Spotsylvania nights. – Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
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