Randolph Randy Camp

Randolph Randy Camp

Sunday, February 4, 2018

A Healthy You, A Healthy Valentine

I think that I do more things wrong than I do right. For instance, when it comes to eating nutritious foods, most likely, I would get a ‘D minus’ in that department.

I’m very blessed to be able to write, travel and meet some of my readers and fans. I find myself on the road quite a lot these days, appearing at book signings and classroom book talks. Maybe, just like some of you, I don’t always eat the best foods, especially when I’m on the go. I’m certainly guilty of indulging on all of the fatty menu items of any roadside café. And I definitely stand accused of consuming too many quick-fix, unhealthy foods from the convenient gas mart.

But, at least once a week, and sometimes twice, I actually do eat more nutritiously though. From my travels and readings years ago, I’d become aware of certain African tribes that would eat nothing but vegetation for at least a whole week out of the month just to cleanse their digestive system from toxins and various parasites. Through the years, I’ve been practicing this same healthy habit, although I’d modified it a bit. To rid my body of any toxins or parasites from my fatty consumption of unhealthy foods I will eat one, and sometimes, two fresh pineapples per week. Eating fresh pineapples, along with fresh garlic and so many other natural fruits and vegetables, are a great way to cleanse your body and stay healthy.

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, chocolates and other sweet treats are always big sellers. If you’re not particularly a frequent produce-buyer, may I suggest, for you and your special Valentine this year to try adding some fresh fruits or vegetables with that box of chocolates. In all of the different ways in which we can say that we really care and love someone and that we want them to stick around for as long as possible, maybe nothing says it better than a fresh pineapple…..along with the chocolates, of course. – Randolph Randy Camp

More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp

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