Randolph Randy Camp

Randolph Randy Camp

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Something To Read

Over the weekend I'd visited someone and noticed that there wasn't one piece of reading material in her house. Ever since I became involved with the I HAVE A DREAM FOUNDATION in Los Angeles quite a few years ago I made a promise to myself that I would do whatever I could to ensure that a household had some type of reading materials around regardless of the family's income level. Especially if there were school-age kids living there I would go out and get a magazine, children's book, comic book or a paperback novel.
Without offending my friend, I told her that I was going to the local library to purchase some old books for her kids. Most local libraries take older books out of circulation and sells them to the public for 25 cents and 50 cents per book. I got lucky and found a bundle of kid's books in decent shape at the branch library only four blocks away and my friend's kids were delighted to get their new gifts.
Over the years, especially after working with at-risk youth and low-income families involved with the I HAVE A DREAM FOUNDATION in LA, I've noticed a big difference in a kid's attitude towards school and life in general, if and when they have a sincere interest in reading. A kid's world becomes brighter when they start reading. Period. - Randy Camp
Learn more at http://www.goodreads.com/randolphcamp 

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