Randolph Randy Camp

Randolph Randy Camp

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Becoming Fred and Walter

Eighty years ago, in 1944, two young men, Fred Wetzler and Walter Rosenbery (later became Rudolf Vrba), witnessed the horrors of Auschwitz. They knew that they had to do something. Miraculously, these brave young men escaped, warned and exposed this atrocity to the world. As a writer and a grandfather, I can’t sit by idly and watch America turn into a dictatorship. Auschwitz was a place that killed dreams and innocent lives. Under the guise of saving waste, this current administration is killing dreams and destroying livelihoods of thousands of hardworking, innocent Americans. It’s no secret that this administration’s real intention is to remain in power while reducing whistleblowing resistance from the federal workers and the press. As a military veteran I am ashamed of what America is becoming. For our kids’ sake, let’s use our talents, create podcasts, write stories, make movies, voice our opinions, get involved, sound the alarm and do whatever we can to preserve our democracy. Not only must we remember Fred and Walter’s courageous warning, but we should become Fred and Walter ourselves, especially with our kids’ freedom and future in jeopardy. Living in a FREE America should be a right of us all, not just the ones who can buy favors and American elections. If you feel powerless, but yet you would like to help, please check out Indivisible.org (https://indivisible.org) and other groups fighting for true American democracy. – Randolph Randy Camp

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Thanks Again, Joe

Dear Joe , I’ve proudly served this great nation of ours when it didn’t always love me back. But what you did yesterday reminded me that this country still have some great leaders with a righteous heart. Thanks Mr Biden for taking the time to correct an injustice long overdue. Of all your great deeds, I want to personally thank you for what you did for MARCUS GARVEY. They tried to silence this man who gave so many people a sense of pride in themselves. This man planted the seeds of civil rights. I am truly grateful to you Joe for reminding us that it’s impossible to silence a righteous spirit. Sincerely, Randolph Randy Camp (Note: The wisdom and some teachings of Marcus Garvey are deeply embedded in Rastafarian and reggae culture.)