Randolph Randy Camp

Randolph Randy Camp

Friday, April 29, 2022

Another Trip To The VA

It’s the spring of 2022 and we’ve been coping with the coronavirus for a while now. The VA is offering the second booster shot to veterans. Any particular visit to the VA conjures up a vast array of emotions for me, good and bad. Stepping into any VA hospital you will definitely see amputees, and this humbles me every time. Seeing an amputee makes me appreciate the feet and hands I do have and makes me feel guilty when I catch myself complaining about something trivial. Walking through the hallways, sitting in the waiting rooms, or simply being in the presence of other military veterans can stir up stuff you’re still unable to talk about. I’m 61 years old now and these visits to the VA reminds me that some scars can’t be hidden. Veterans are notorious for keeping things bottled up. We have all heard the saying ‘boys don’t cry’, but I personally know that’s not true because every story I’d ever written is a form of me crying. It’s not easy for veterans to bring up past memories. Keeping things tucked away for long stretches of time isn’t healthy. On the average, twenty veterans commit suicide every day. After I got my booster shot the nurse had me sit for observation for about ten minutes in the waiting room. This is probably the hardest part of my visit to the VA because this is where I see myself in the faces of all the other vets sitting around me. We sit in silence, knowing each others’ scars. I served in the U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Marine Corps. Whether you’re a military veteran or a civilian, opening up is tough. Here’s the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800) 273-8255. – Randolph Randy Camp

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Kira on The Campaign Trail at Randie's Free Library

It’s great to see people involved and engaging with their community. Canvassing and participating in grassroots campaigning certainly isn’t for everybody. Kira says that she loves it because she gets to meet and chat with so many interesting people. Kira is campaigning for Dr. Megan Srinivas, running for Iowa House District 30. By the way, Kira is an avid reader and her favorite children’s book is ‘Where The Wild Things Are’, which had a big impact on her life.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Books From Heaven: Randie's Free Library

It’s April 21, six days from Randie’s birthday and two boxes of books were dropped off for RANDIE’S FREE LIBRARY early this morning.