I hope that 2020 will be the year where your dreams are realized, or at least, you will start making baby steps toward your dreams. God gave each and every one of us something special. I realize that not everyone's been dealt the same hand. Unfortunately, sometimes we get dealt bad cards in life. Regardless of your situation, no matter how deep your hole may seem, please remember that there's always a way out. I know that it's hard to just get up and out of bed sometimes but you must find a way to get up n' move.
Ever since I was a little boy I had this crazy dream of writing stories and writing my own book one day. Sometimes I would get discouraged but one day during story time at my elementary school, I heard the inspiring story of 'The Little Engine That Could' for the very first time and from that day on, I kept dreaming and writing with a renewed sense of confidence.
Today, as a writer, one of my greatest joys is getting an invitation for a classroom book talk session. Whatever your passion, keep believing in yourself, keep dreaming and honing your craft. You never know where or how far your dreams will take you. Let what God gave you get you to where you want to go. - Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp
When you look at some people and see them smiling, I swear, you might be surprised to find out that there’s a whole lot of pain and grief hidden underneath that smile.
Not to get too technical, but within the several stages of grief, I’m definitely far from the upward turn. However, during my conversations with Melinda (who’ve been grieving in her own way for quite awhile now) I’ve been able to learn a thing or two and gather some strength.
Coping with the loss of a loved one is one of our toughest challenges. Melinda has been hit by this very issue, and although it devastated her, I must say though that I’m impressed by the way she’s able to find her ‘moments’, her little moments of strength.
With the loss of my grandson Anthony recently, I, myself, found a bit of strength during my conversations with Melinda. I’m nearly sixty years old, and it’s kind of amazing how this young lady has impacted my life, especially as I’m currently going through these stages of grief.
And once again, I would like to thank all of you who’ve been supportive (in any such way) as myself and our family are still coping with the loss of my grandson Anthony.
If you’re currently going through the stages of grief, I hope that, somehow, you too, are finding your little moments of strength. – Randolph Randy Camp