Randolph Randy Camp

Randolph Randy Camp

Sunday, March 26, 2017

One by One: Helping Our Homeless Youth

I love getting feedback from my readers. The majority of the comments and questions I receive on a daily basis usually are about my writing technique or  my writing tips. Occasionally, I will get a response, as I did yesterday, asking me advice on ways to get involved with the  youth homelessness problem we currently have in America. After reading my book ‘Wet Matches’, Whitney from Nebraska, informed me that she didn’t realize that America had such a growing human trafficking and homeless problem, especially among our teen population.

Currently, there are approximately 1.4 million runaway and homeless youth in America. This information isn’t widely known and normally goes unreported. Unfortunately, these homeless kids are commonly taken advantage of and sexually exploited by pimps, street hustlers, and strangers. It’s shocking to find out what some of these homeless teens would do for a bag of fries when they’re truly desperate and starving. Surviving on the streets isn’t easy, and ‘survival sex’ is a subject I addressed in my 2011 debut novel ‘Wet Matches’. Life around cheap motels and truck stops seem to be perpetuating human trafficking and sexual exploitation of those stuck in vulnerable situations. Teen runaways and homeless youth, especially those young people within the LGBTQ community are the most vulnerable and are prime targets for hustlers and those looking for easy prey.

Whitney from Nebraska was so compelled to reach out and take action after reading ‘Wet Matches’ that she asked for my advice and guidance. As I suggested and replied back to Whitney, contacting and volunteering with your local homeless shelter or soup kitchen is a great start to reaching out and helping these vulnerable young people all across America. One by one, little by little, together, we can impact the lives of our runaway, homeless youth…one by one. – Randolph Randy Camp

Learn more at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Finding Beauty

Nowadays, in this sometimes chaotic, unpredictable world, it's becoming increasingly harder and harder to find something.....anything in our daily lives that puts a smile on our faces. On my birthday I got lucky and found some beauty today.

A few minutes ago I took a break from my next manuscript and checked my Facebook page. I saw a post from one of my elementary school classmates who I'd had a secret crush on some 46 years ago at Robert E. Lee Elementary in Spotsylvania County, Virginia. She never knew I had a crush on her, and to this very day, I refuse to reveal to anyone who this lady is, but every time I see one of her updates or posts online it instantly puts a big ol' country smile on my face. (I find it fascinating that after all of these years this young girl who I'd dreamed about in elementary school and wrote letters to, but never had the courage to give them to her, is now one of my Facebook friends.)

From the bottom of my heart, Thank You all for your wonderful birthday wishes, and I sincerely hope that all of you also find some beauty in the simple things in this sometimes complicated, negative world of ours. - Randolph Randy Camp

(Photo: Recent birthday gift from one of my daughters, Randie)

More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp