Randolph Randy Camp

Randolph Randy Camp

Sunday, August 14, 2016

The Journey

Sometimes we let others discourage and derail us. Growing up in rural Virginia years ago, I found a sense of adventure and escape within the pages of various books. Yep, even back then I knew that I was a book nerd, and I was certainly teased and ridiculed for it.

When I was young, I absolutely loved reading stories and books about different cultures. I was so fascinated with the Aborigines of Australia and their 'walkabout' ritual (whereby a boy transitions into manhood) that I wanted to experience my very own walkabout here in America. So, at age 15, I up and left my country roots in Spotsylvania County and went on a 'rite of passage' journey. My adventurous journey came to an end in the big city of Philadelphia, in which the juvenile court system there classified as a 'teen runaway' case.
When I was detained at the juvenile detention center in Philadelphia, I remember the intake worker making fun of me to her coworker who was sitting nearby when I'd quickly answered with a no-nonsense expression "I was on my walkabout" when she'd asked with a puzzled face, "Why did you runaway to Philadelphia?" The moment the intake worker heard the word 'walkabout' leave my mouth, she instantly shot her coworker a twisted look as both of them burst into laughter. Still today, I vividly remember that intake worker's look. It was the same look I got from some folks years ago when I used to tell them that I was going to write my own book one day. It was a look that said that I must be crazy...a mental case...just another dreamer.
In contrast, about a year ago, I got a completely different look. It wasn't a condescending look that questioned my mental state, but a look that was of sincere admiration. Just before I'd moved to Iowa in 2015, at a New Jersey book signing event, a young lady approached me and quietly commented, "Mr. Camp, I love the titles of all your books. How do you come up with titles like '29 Dimes' and '...Then The Rain'?" When I explained to the young lady that my stories and novels are usually metaphoric mirrors of my life and my walkabout journey to Philadelphia specifically was the inspiration behind my second novel '...Then The Rain', she immediately smiled and gave me one of those genuine looks of surprise.
In spite of others' ridicule and condescending laughter, don't ever let them discourage you from your goals and dreams. Let your heart guide you and keep you on track. - Randolph Randy Camp
More at https://www.amazon.com/author/randolphcamp